Autoline » Ventes aux enchères de camions » Ventes aux enchères de camions fourgons » Ventes aux enchères de camions fourgons Scania » Camion fourgon Scania P360 »
L'annonce Camion fourgon Scania P360 en vente aux enchères a été vendue et n'apparaît pas dans la recherche !
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camion fourgon Scania P360 image 24
camion fourgon Scania P360 image 25
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Marque:  Scania
Modèle:  P360
Type:  camion fourgon
Année:  2010
Kilométrage:  512 055 km
Poids net à vide:  20 600 kg
Localisation:  Norvège Langus
Mise en ligne:  10 janv. 2025
Identifiant dans le stock du vendeur:  YT67512
Enchère:  1
Date d'exécution:  2025-01-09 10:00
Date de fin:  2025-01-16 13:00
Puissance:  359 ch (264 kW)
Boîte de vitesses
Type:  boîte automatique
Nombre d'essieux:  2
Équipement supplémentaire
Marque:  ZEPRO
Capacité de charge:  1 500 kg
État:  d'occasion

Informations supplémentaires — Camion fourgon Scania P360

Important sales information
Seller information
Denne auksjonen er opprettet av Mili Dziho på vegne av selger.
For spørsmål kontakt eller +47 401 96 378
Utlevering av objekt må avtales direkte med selger minst 1 dag på forhånd.
Kjøper, alternativt transportselskap, er ansvarlig for lasting av objekt hvis ikke selger har mulighet å bistå. Korrekt transportdokumentasjon er et krav for å få hentet kjøpt objekt.
This auction was created by Mili Dziho on behalf of the seller.
For questions contact or +47 401 96 378
Collection of the lot must be agreed directly with the seller at least 1 day in advance.
The buyer or the transport company is responsible for loading the object if the seller is not able to assist.
Correct documentation for transport is required before collection of objects can take place.
General conditions
Sales commission is included in your bid. Auction charges and VAT is added when applicable.
Payment charges (kr 250,- / EUR 25) will be added.
All invoices have 5 days payment terms.
Payment must be registered before seller can be contacted for collection of purchased items
All purchases must be collected within 21 days. NOTE! We expect buyer and seller to cooperate on arranging collection according to the current restrictions and instructions from the authorities.
An agreement MUST be made with the seller prior to collection
The auction item is approved bu the buyer at collection.
The buyer is responsible for all costs with regards to pick up, transport and export.
Registration Documents: Yes
Vehicle Info Url:
Asset overall condition: Fully functional during last use
Transport dimension (L/W/H): 1010m
MOT: yes: null
Seller / Auction broker: Mili Dziho
Location: Oslo/Langus, Norway
load capacity: 6925
engine volume: 12740.0
Selges på vegne av transport selskap. God stand på bilen. Ingen kjente feil eller mangler. Bilen er noe i bruk. Så mer kilometer må forventes ved overtagelse
Camions fourgons Scania
Résultats de recherche: 204 annonces